
Imagine if we gathered together all of the believers throughout history for a massive family photo. Whom would we see? What kinds of people would be there?

We may be surprised. 

Dotting the horizon of this picture, we’d find people with unflattering stories. Some are known as the chief of sinners, the sinful woman, the thief on the cross, and the prostitute. We’d find weak people unable to give God anything. We’d even find those who wore the uniform of opposition to God. Here in the portrait of grace, we’d find a multitude of misfits. It would be quite the picture. 

If this were your family photo, would you hang it on the wall or hide it in the attic? 

If we zoom in further, we will find Jesus there, shoulder to shoulder with sinners like me and you. He wouldn’t throw this picture away; he’d hang it on his mantle. We are his family. And Jesus is not ashamed of his family.

Adapted from the article @



